Workplace Etiquette – Personal Calls

Some readers of this article probably were not in the workforce during a time in which the only way your friends, family or business associates could reach you during your work shift was through the employer’s business line at a desk phone. Then along came pagers which allowed individuals to be notified privately of someone intent on speaking with them, but still required the use of the business phone to return the call. Finally, the cell phone revolution began. Today, the majority of Americans can be reached at any moment of the day if the individual chooses to be reachable. During this process, businesses had to begin setting policies and standards in place for use of personal cell phones during work hours. So now, we get to the question, “What is the respectful use of your cell phone during work hours?” We encourage you to always, always abide by your employer’s policies first and foremost. After you have committed to abide by your employer’s cell phone use policy, we encourage you to consider appropriate manners and guidelines, wherever they do not break your employer’s policy, in the attached article.

Did you know that Dillon Job Service has computers you can use to create your Resume and Cover letter? We do! We also have the ability to scan your letters of recommendation or other application documents to a file, allowing you to email potential employers. Of course, we have a copy machine and fax machine. All our resources are here to assist any job seeker in their job search process. Come see us today!

Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.Workplace Etiquette – Personal Calls

How to Breakdown and Identify Your Skills

Too often, we see job seekers come in who feel overwhelmed and inadequate in attempting to identify their skills for their resume. Generally, we work at our jobs, do what is required and, hopefully, go the extra step frequently to expand our horizons, learn more about the company and extend ourselves to improve our employer’s product, sales or reputation. In the process of doing these daily assignments, projects and tasks, we tend to minimize our part in the success of the end results. Today, we are providing you an article that will assist you in understanding how to review who you are and what you offer. We encourage you to take it a step further by reflecting on these traits and how they have played out in your work history. In this process, you should be able to remember and identify your routine skills including where you’ve shown exceptional talent on certain projects or in meeting goals. This process can help you achieve the ability to create a winning resume because you have now identified your strengths you have offered to your previous employers.

Need someone to review your Resume or Cover Letter? Employment Specialists at Dillon Job Service are trained in identifying weaknesses in your application documents. Not only can we review your application documents, providing tips to increase the success of your job search, we can also educate you on Applicant Tracking Systems prevalent in most online applications which might be keeping you from getting the interview. Come in and see us today!

Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.

Is Your Resume Grammatically Correct?

We certainly hope not! Your resume is a marketing tool. Advertising is more like political “sound bites”, a snippet here, and a snippet there. You are not required or expected to provide your information in complete proper structure. However, does not neglect your spelling or proper use of the English language to correctly identify and convey your work experience. Find out more about what you can fudge on in order to market your resume efficiently in today’s linked article.

Dillon Job Service is open Monday through Friday from 8a-5p. Our Employment Specialists are here to assist you in every aspect of your job search. We look forward to seeing or hearing from you. Please feel free to call our office 406.683.4259 or come in at 730 N. Montana St, Suite #4, Dillon, MT, across from Subway.

Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.

Is Your Resume Boring?

Let’s face it, if you’re not working in the world of career development, it’s easy to be at a loss as to what you should place or would want to place in your resume. Why can’t you just put the duties, dates and title in and call it good? Because you may bore the recruiter or employer into trashing your resume, that’s why!

Now that I have your attention, you’re asking, “What is left to put in my resume?” Briefly describing accomplishments and challenges you overcame while addressing your skills can give an employer insight to how you function in your workday world. Read today’s article and find out more to enable you to be the successful candidate.

Employment Specialists at Dillon Job Service are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm to assist you in creating a professional cover letter and resume. Come and see us at 730 N. Montana, Suite #4, and Dillon, MT (across from Subway).

Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.

Building Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence is vitally important to your job search. A single rejection can be daunting but if you have received two or more, it can sometimes be difficult to continue to believe in your skills and abilities. We encourage you to remember this job search can be a process of building strength and character in you during a difficult period of life. Unfortunately, that’s what life often does to us, builds us strong and refines our determination through the bumps and troubles. Many things can be learned and personal triumphs gained throughout your job search. We want to be sure you are on the right road to success and have provided an article today in which you can test your own confidence and apply steps to increase confidence where you may be lacking.

Tips For Improving Self Confidence

Are you familiar with Dillon Job Service and all the resources we offer all job seekers in their job search? We can provide skills testing and certificates for you to submit with your application documents to the potential employer. We have a scanner, copier and fax machine we can employ for your successful job search. Our Employment Specialists can review your resume and cover letter, providing tips and direction to build the most relevant documents to the field and/or industry in which you’re applying. Come see us today!

Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.

What if You Knew What you Needed to Work as an Interviewee?

You probably make sure your resume is ready before your interview. Are there other things you should prepare as well? Maybe you haven’t quite thought through the complete list of interview preparation. We found an article that can quiz you on your interview strength. We challenge you to take it for fun and then consider the results as an encourager for making adjustments to have a successful interview.

What Kind Of Interviewee Are You?

Did you know you can participate in a Mock Interview at Dillon Job Service? Come in to see our Employment Specialists and find out all the ways in which we can assist you to have a successful job search. 730 N. Montana, Suite #4, Dillon, MT, across from Subway Disclaimer:

Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.

Functional Resumes are Out!

Functional resumes have been used for several years now to draw attention away from gaps in work history, short term employment and age. When a recruiter sees a functional resume, the first question that arises is, “what are they trying to hide”. Applicant Tracking Systems being used by most software for online applications cannot decipher functional resumes. Keeping these two points in mind, do you think your resume is going to get very far? You’re right! It’s not! But don’t just take our word for it, review the attached articles to reinforce this fact and see what else recruiters are saying.

The Demise of the Functional Resume

Don’t Waste Recruiters’ Time–or Yours–with a Functional Résumé

What Employers Really Think About Functional Resumes

Employment Specialists are trained in the latest techniques on how to get an online application through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software used by many online job postings.

Come in today to have your Resume reviewed. Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.

ATS Allows for Longer Resumes? Yes and No

We may have a posted an earlier article in which you were told it is okay to have a longer resume for Applicant Tracking systems. Today we want to caution you that although it gives you an opportunity to have more data and keywords for the ATS to identify, when your resume gets to human hands, too much can be a deterrent to the job interview.

The article we are linking today is basically ‘hot off the press’ to give you sound advice when applying online through Applicant Tracking System software. Read carefully and thoughtfully as you prepare your resume for uploading. Remember ATS rejects files uploaded in .pdf format even though you will not receive any confirmation of such rejection.

Employment Specialists at Dillon Job Service can review your resume and provide advice regarding format, design and file types for uploading to online applications. Come see us today at 730 N. Montana St, Suite #4, Dillon, MT, across from Subway.

Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.

Are you an Encourager?

Are you asking yourself what this means to my employment search? A person who practices encouraging actually exudes positive energy which draws others to them. An encourager smiles more easily and comes up with positive ideas for problem solving. If you find that you’ve been more of a “terminator” than an “encourager” the linked article is a good place to start for you to understand the importance of changing directions. Whichever position you are practicing, it can reflect in an interview, your daily work relations and even more within your family life. Sometimes we can fall into the role of “terminator” when we’re being hard on ourselves for our perceived failures. Think about it, you probably want others to give you a break, won’t you start today by giving yourself a break? Let your co-workers or the employer who interviews you see the hopeful, positive energy you have kept covered until now. Watch the sunshine of encouragement take the dreary clouds of the terminator away. Read on, have a breakthrough of change and gain success in all you do!

We are here Dillon Job Service to assist you in achieving a successful job search. We offer training resources, computer resources and can offer mock interviews, resume and cover letter assistance. Come see us today!

Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.

Not Hired Again? Reasons Why

It can be difficult to keep a stiff upper lip in the day-to-day challenge of finding a job. If you’re getting the interviews, then it is probably safe to say you have the resume, cover letter and application portion of your job search buttoned down. Give yourself credit for nailing this portion of your job search. We’ll assume if you’re reading this article, you are on the receiving end of “you didn’t get the position”. Now it’s time to evaluate how you are presenting yourself to the employer. It could be any one, or more than one, of the list provided by recruiters in the linked article. Review the list, evaluate and perhaps even ask a friend if they think you have any of the items on the list going on. Be open and courageous to make changes. These changes generally are not just external but must be accompanied by your outlook as well. Drum up your positive, confident self and go forward with renewed energy.!bDWTDX

We are here Dillon Job Service to assist you in achieving a successful job search. We offer training resources, computer resources and can offer mock interviews, resume and cover letter assistance. Come see us today!

Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.