How to Breakdown and Identify Your Skills

Too often, we see job seekers come in who feel overwhelmed and inadequate in attempting to identify their skills for their resume. Generally, we work at our jobs, do what is required and, hopefully, go the extra step frequently to expand our horizons, learn more about the company and extend ourselves to improve our employer’s product, sales or reputation. In the process of doing these daily assignments, projects and tasks, we tend to minimize our part in the success of the end results. Today, we are providing you an article that will assist you in understanding how to review who you are and what you offer. We encourage you to take it a step further by reflecting on these traits and how they have played out in your work history. In this process, you should be able to remember and identify your routine skills including where you’ve shown exceptional talent on certain projects or in meeting goals. This process can help you achieve the ability to create a winning resume because you have now identified your strengths you have offered to your previous employers.

Need someone to review your Resume or Cover Letter? Employment Specialists at Dillon Job Service are trained in identifying weaknesses in your application documents. Not only can we review your application documents, providing tips to increase the success of your job search, we can also educate you on Applicant Tracking Systems prevalent in most online applications which might be keeping you from getting the interview. Come in and see us today!

Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.

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