Workplace Etiquette – Personal Calls

Some readers of this article probably were not in the workforce during a time in which the only way your friends, family or business associates could reach you during your work shift was through the employer’s business line at a desk phone. Then along came pagers which allowed individuals to be notified privately of someone intent on speaking with them, but still required the use of the business phone to return the call. Finally, the cell phone revolution began. Today, the majority of Americans can be reached at any moment of the day if the individual chooses to be reachable. During this process, businesses had to begin setting policies and standards in place for use of personal cell phones during work hours. So now, we get to the question, “What is the respectful use of your cell phone during work hours?” We encourage you to always, always abide by your employer’s policies first and foremost. After you have committed to abide by your employer’s cell phone use policy, we encourage you to consider appropriate manners and guidelines, wherever they do not break your employer’s policy, in the attached article.

Did you know that Dillon Job Service has computers you can use to create your Resume and Cover letter? We do! We also have the ability to scan your letters of recommendation or other application documents to a file, allowing you to email potential employers. Of course, we have a copy machine and fax machine. All our resources are here to assist any job seeker in their job search process. Come see us today!

Disclaimer: Dillon Job Service will provide links to resources with helpful tips and information for your job search. Dillon Job Service does not directly or indirectly endorse any third party products or service. All services at Dillon Job Service are free of charge.Workplace Etiquette – Personal Calls

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